| | Starts on Apr 05, 2025 Ends on May 31, 2025
Wednesday 18:00 to 21:00 Saturday 09:00 to 14:00
Section number TEFL-S25
Cost 675.00$ Age from 18 years Available places YES Duration 120 hours Weeks nb 8
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| TEFL Certificate |
Many recent graduates are looking for teaching experience. Teaching English overseas is a huge market with a lot of possibilities. This course will give participants the tools they need to be effective ESL teachers, in particular for those who wish to teach abroad. Throughout the 6 weeks, participants will be exposed to various teaching methods. In addition to the course hours, students will also have a 5-hour practicum observation. Homework will be given regularly and a reflection report is due at the end of the course. Students must attend all classes to receive their certificate.
Schedule description HYBRID COURSE Wednesday 6-9 PM. Saturday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Some days will be in-person at Vanier College St. Laurent Campus. Some days will be online via MS TEAMS. Specific details will be communicated to you by your teacher prior to the course.
No placement tests - one level only. Students are expected to have an intermediate proficiency or higher in order to take this course.
Cancelled meeting Please note that there is no course on Saturday April 19 from 09:00 to 14:00
Costs description The price includes materials, taxes, and a $30 non-refundable registration fee.