Vanier College - Continuing Education
Starts on Oct 14, 2017
Ends on Oct 21, 2017

Saturday 09:30 to 12:30, room A-312

Professor : Carol Adamakos
Section number 8021-A17

Cost 95.00$
Age from 16 years
Duration 6 hours
Weeks nb 2

Sorry, this course is not available or is Full. For more information please call:

For an Aquatics course: Contact Aquatics at 514-744-750 Ext:8237 Email:
For all other language courses: Contact the Language School at 514-744-7897 or to be placed on a waiting list for this course.
For all OTHER PPD courses: Contact PPD at 514-744-7500 ext: 6066 or to be placed on a waiting list for this course.


Gain confidence and knowledge in current investing options and concepts. In this two-day workshop, participants will understand how to articulate their lifestyle goals, how risk and volatility in markets can impact personal investment objectives, and also learn how to match their profile with suitable investment products. Learn how to empower your investment. A short assignment will be given at the end of the first workshop.
This course is taught by an investment advisor.

Schedule description
Participants will gain knowledge and understand fundamental investing concepts, and be able to use this framework to make informed decisions about their investments. In addition, participants will understand how to articulate their lifestyle goals, how risk and volatility in markets can impact personal investment objectives, and also learn how to match their profile with suitable investment products.
