| | Starts on Jun 16, 2025 Ends on Aug 15, 2025
Monday 13:00 to 17:00 Tuesday 13:00 to 17:00 Wednesday 13:00 to 17:00 Thursday 13:00 to 17:00 Friday 13:00 to 17:00
Section number FTP-B-S25-2half
Cost 1800.00$ Duration 150 hours Weeks nb 8
Sorry, this course is not available or is Full. For more information please call:
For an Aquatics course: Contact Aquatics at 514-744-750 Ext:8237 Email: aquatics@vaniercollege.qc.ca For all other language courses: Contact the Language School at 514-744-7897 or languageschool@vaniercollege.qc.ca to be placed on a waiting list for this course. For all OTHER PPD courses: Contact PPD at 514-744-7500 ext: 6066 or ppd@vaniercollege.qc.ca to be placed on a waiting list for this course.
| Full-time French (FTP) - Vanier Language School |
This intensive non-credit course is for students who want to learn French in a short period. The emphasis will be on learning French for everyday and academic communication. Students will work on grammar exercises. Then practice them through listening, speaking, reading and writing activities. Many activities are done in groups to help each student feel at ease practising his/her new language skills. This course also includes cultural activities. These outings allow students to use what they learn in class with locals. So, some topics cover greetings and introductions, asking for directions, telling time, useful phrases for shopping, eating out, and making appointments. In addition to language skills, students learn simple academic skills. Giving presentations and writing short essays are two such skills.
Schedule description
ENGLISH ALL STUDENTS REGISTERING IN THIS SECTION MUST COMPLETE A LEVEL EVALUATION. Follow the instructions on our website, and that have been sent to you via email, for more information.
We will be in communication with you for details about the level in which you have been placed and your classroom 1-2 days before classes begin.
FRANÇAIS LES ÉTUDIANTS VOULAND PRENDRE CE COURS DOIVENT COMPLÉTER UNE ÉVALUATION DE NIVEAU. Suivez les instructions sur notre site web, et celles qu'on vous a envoyé par email, pour plus d'informations.
Nous serons en communication avec vous avec la confirmation de votre niveau et votre salle de classe 1-2 jours avant la première classe.
ESPAÑOL LOS ESTUDIANTES DESEANDO TOMAR ESTE CURSO TIENEN QUE COMPLETAR UNA EVALUACIÓN DE NIVEL. Siga las instrucciones encontradas en nuestra página web, que también le hemos enviado por email, para más informaciones.
Estaremos en comunicación para confirmar su nivel y la sala de clase 1-2 días antes de la primera clase.
Cancelled meetings Please note that there are no courses on the following days: Tuesday June 24 from 13:00 to 17:00 Monday June 30 from 13:00 to 17:00 Tuesday July 1 from 13:00 to 17:00
Costs description
ENGLISH NO LEVEL EVALUATION. The course begins from the Beginner Level. Students are expected to have little to no knowledge of French in order to take this course.
We will be in communication with you for details about the level in which you have been placed and your classroom 1-2 days before classes begin.
FRANÇAIS PAS D'ÉVALUATION DE NIVEAU. Ce cours est pour débutants - il est attendu que les étudiants ont aucun ou très peu de connaissance de français pour prendre ce cours.
Nous serons en communication avec vous avec la confirmation de votre niveau et votre salle de classe 1-2 jours avant la première classe.
ESPAÑOL NO HAY EVALUACIÓN DE NIVEL. Este curso es para principiantes - se espera que los alumnos tengan poco o ningún conocimiento del francés antes de tomar este curso.
Estaremos en comunicación para confirmar su nivel y la sala de clase 1-2 días antes de la primera clase.