Vanier College - Continuing Education
Swimmer 02 -  
Starts on Jun 25, 2024
Ends on Aug 18, 2024

Friday 18:15 to 19:00, room G-106

Section number 207-LUC

Cost 106.00$
Available place FULL

Sorry, this course is not available or is Full. For more information please call:

For an Aquatics course: Contact Aquatics at 514-744-750 Ext:8237 Email:
For all other language courses: Contact the Language School at 514-744-7897 or to be placed on a waiting list for this course.
For all OTHER PPD courses: Contact PPD at 514-744-7500 ext: 6066 or to be placed on a waiting list for this course.

Swimmer 02 -

Les nageurs apprennent les techniques de propulsion et de flottaison. Ils développent leur nage sur le ventre (5 m). On présente aux nageurs les activités en eau profonde et l’usage approprié d’un vêtement de flottaison individuel (VFI). L’endurance est augmentée grâce aux battements de jambes alternatifs (15 m) et la nage sur 10 m.

Swimmers work on propulsion skills to move through the water and to remain at the surface. Swimmers work on the front swim (5m) and learn about deep-water activities and proper use of a Personal Flotation Device (PFD). Fitness activities include the 10m flutter kick and a 10m distance swim.

Schedule description
Swimmer 2 group class / Cours de groupe nageur 2

No Food, No Shoes, No Camera in the pool area / Pas de nourriture, pas de souliers, pas de camera autour de la piscine
