Vanier College - Continuing Education
Discounts - Returning Students (-$30) 
Starts on Jan 02, 2024
Ends on Mar 31, 2025

Section number DS-RS-230

Cost 230.00$

Sorry, this course is not available or is Full. For more information please call:

For an Aquatics course: Contact Aquatics at 514-744-750 Ext:8237 Email:
For all other language courses: Contact the Language School at 514-744-7897 or to be placed on a waiting list for this course.
For all OTHER PPD courses: Contact PPD at 514-744-7500 ext: 6066 or to be placed on a waiting list for this course.

Discounts - Returning Students (-$30)

This is a payment link to register for a course with a discounted price. Once you have paid for the course, a member of our staff will transfer you into the correct course.

Schedule description
Please pay the amount of $230 due on this page. You will then be transferred to the correct course by our staff.

Note: If you are a NEW STUDENT, do not pay for your course on this page

Veuillez payer le montant de $230 sur cette page d'inscription. Le staff vous changera après le cours pour celle que vous désirez.

Note: Si vous êtes un NOUVEAU ÉTUDIANT, ne payez pas votre cours sur cette page.

Pague los $230 en esta página. Nuestro personal luego le cambiará su clase y le colocará en la que desee.

Anote: si eres un NUEVO ESTUDIANTE, no pague su curso en esta página.

Costs description

The price includes materials, taxes, and a $30 non-refundable registration fee.

Le prix inclut les matériaux, les taxes, et les frais d'inscription non-remboursables de 30 $.

El precio incluye los materiales, los impuestos, y la tarifa de inscripción no reembolsable de $30.
